Sunday, January 29, 2012


                                                         WEEK 3: BLOG ASSIGNMENT

     My father and mother influenced my life being a great role model showing and telling me the do’s and don’ts in life. Also, they kept it real and through their life experiences allowed to be a great mom for my two sons. My parents definitely instilled morals and ethics, maturity and integrity. I am very proud of that. My parents nurtured and cared and mad me feel special by discipline and talking openly and being honest plus I was the only girl with three brothers. I was daddy little girl but we all was showed loved, no favoritism. My dad made sure my brothers and I dressed really well. My parents showed great workmanship and dedication to never give up regardless of what is going on just keep it moving. Even today, they still impact my life by reflecting on all I learned from a child until now as an adult. My parents are still married over 40 years, which is a blessing because that is very rare for my generation to still be together over 5 years.

     My grandparents and their sons which are my uncles help raised my brothers and I when my parents were working then my parents would come pickup us up. My grandparents and uncles always been down to earth and very hilarious. You never knew what they would say. As kids we always laugh. My grandparents are deceased but three of my uncles are still living. My uncles are older now but instilled great values of being true to yourself and make sure you are happy and if not get out the situation because you need to enjoy life at its best. 
    Each instilled in me to not take mess from others and stand up for myself. Know who I am. be a leader and not a follower, unless need to follow. Have confidence in myself because if I do not then who else will. Always respect your elders. Think before you speak. Do unto others as you will have them to do unto you.

1 comment:

  1. Information about the staff selection process is very insightful. I will be sure to use these tips when hiring staff for my program. Hiring the individuals to fit into my program has been the most challenging.
